Here we offer the Universal Trial class - the option to test drive how your child will like our lessons. We are fully aware that it is hard to know in advance if the course will fit your child's expectations. And we are happy to help! That is why we offer the Universal Trail - the one-hour lesson where your child will touch one of the selected topics from our courses: Robotics with mBlock, JavaScript Programming, Scratch, Robotics with Arduino C or 3D Modelling in Blender3D. Also during this trial hour, we will show your child the whole spectrum of our disciplines.
We offer the Universal Trial before the actual course starts. So, let's say if you think about the Summer term, which starts on 20 April '24 then you can book a trial before that day on each Saturday when we have the lessons, for example, 23 March'24.
This offer works once per term per pupil.
Just book the Universal Trial class and discuss with us what Saturday is better to see your child and what topic to focus on!
Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College.
Parkshot, Richmond TW9 2RE